Keiko Keiko Raca Kimonos try oneof ones planet's premiere and most respected BJJ GI manufacturers. Using theirroots at Brazil theyve been creating BJJ GI considering 198 Originally theystarted out by making GIs for other companies including Mizuno, Sims, Southern tosouth, Tropical brazil and/or Curtlo among the more common brands. In 1995they made a decision to make the Keiko Raca make of BJJ GI. Keiko is definitely lookingto create newer textile technologies looking to get the very best efficiency, comfortand type from his or her BJJ Kimonos. Keiko Raca in addition sponsors a number of the worldsbest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu athletes such as Rubens Charles Cobrinha, BraulioEstima, Serginho Moraes, Tarsis Humphreys, Eduardo Telles and a whole lot more.


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