Vioral complications [66-69]. Microglia, as a major target of HIV-1 infection in the CNS, are typically a viral reservoir [70-72] and are also key in HIV-1 neuroinvasiveness-penetration into the CNS by the virus [72,73]. Most importantly, a discrepancy between the localization of HIV-infected cells and the severity of neurocognitive symptoms has been described [74-76]. Thus, other mechanisms secon
D to officers .The majority in the sample ( ) had been previouslyD to officers .The majority with the sa
Egrate in the host genome and is instead maintained as an episome with minimal risk of insertional mutagenesis. Adenovirus vectors have several disadvantages that have limited their application in CNS gene transfer, including the often transient nature of transgene expression and their higher preponderance to provoke an inflammatory response (Lentz, Gray, Samulski, 2012). Adenovirus vector genom
Ator of nuclear receptors, we explored its prognostic value in relation to estrogen-receptor-a (ESR1) and -b (ESR2) and evaluated its predictive value for response to tamoxifen treatment. Methods: DC-SCRIPT mRNA levels were measured by real-time PCR in 1,505 primary invasive breast cancers and associated with outcome (disease-free survival (DFS), metastasis-free survival (MFS) and overall survival
Amyloid plaque deposition [39,42-44]. Indeed, most forms of dementia are accompanied by a widespread degeneration in the cerebral cortex - such as the plaques in AD brain. AD is thus considered a "cortical dementia." HAD is also considered to be a cortical dementia however there is also targeted damage to regions lying under the cortex. Some authors consider HAD to be a subcortical dementia howeve
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Gon lves SpringerPlus :.Cao et al.Explore SIEs in organizational SIEGon lves SpringerPlus :.Cao et al.E
Nversion to determine whether there were differences in ulcer occurrence by randomization group in the absence of study drug. All analyses were conducted in SAS 9.3 or Stata 12.Results Study participantsCharacteristics of the 2,499 iPrEx participants have been described previously. [13] Briefly, all participants were born male and 313 (13.0 ) identified as transgender or as women. The mean age at
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