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Merican Journal of Psychiatry. 2002 15918895. PubMed 12411224 Nulman I, Rovet J, Stewart DE, Wolpin J, Gardner HA, et al. Neurodevelopment of youngsters exposed in utero to antidepressant drugs. N Engl J Med. 1997 3362582. PubMed 8995088 Oberlander TF, Misri S, Fitzgerald CE, Kostsaras X, Rurak D, Riggs W. Pharmacologic Factors linked to transient neonatal symptoms following prental psychotropic m
Ents/the study: MCL MAM KKH TCG SA DCP GT GS JS DMM BFH. Analyzed the data: MAM KKH DJM JDA TCG SA BBH DCP MC GT PAG HXL BFH. Collected data/did experiments for the study: MCL MAM KKH DJM JFW JDA TCG SA BBH NAV SP DCP MC GT GS JE NJS CBH HXL MM GHK BFH. Enrolled patients: MC PAG GS JE CBH MM DMM. Wrote the first draft of the paper: MCL BFH. Contributed to the writing of the paper: MCL MAM BBH NAV
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Have been added to cover gel pieces for shrinking the gel pieces. The gel pieces were rehydrated in ten mM NH4HCO3 for five min, equal volume of acetonitrile were added and removed following 15 min of incubation. The gel pieces have been once again covered with acetonitrile and removed. The gel pieces had been dried inside a vacuum centrifuge. The dried gel pieces have been digested with 20 ul of
Version; however, this finding was not confirmed by ulcers identified during STI examinations and may have included ulcers of nonherpetic etiologies. In contrast to the 51 reduction in HSV-2 incidence among women randomized to use a 1 tenofovir topical gel in CAPRISA 004, [9] our results suggest that tenofovir in daily oral FTC/TDF may reduce the occurrence of ulcers in individuals with HSV-2 in
Al cytotoxic action towards LY murine lymphoma cells (IC .lM).AntileukemicAl cytotoxic activity against
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