SLAND (combined) ISLAND (boy)PRB DNM ......The protein encoded by thisSLAND (combined) ISLAND (boy)PRB D
Atinger H, Carpenter CB, et al. (2000) Protection of macaques against vaginal transmission of a pathogenic HIV-1/SIV chimeric virus by passive infusion of neutralizing antibodies. Nat Med 6: 207?10. 24. Bohnhorst J? Bj gan MB, Thoen JE, Natvig JB, Thompson KM (2001) Bm1Bm5 classification of peripheral blood B cells reveals circulating germinal center founder cells in healthy individuals and distur
T among participants living in Peru (46.0 ), Brazil (37.8 ), and Ecuador (37.3 ), with lower prevalence among participants living in Thailand (6.4 ), South Africa (17.6 ), and the United States (27.1 ; P,0.001). Randomization group was not associated with HSV-2 prevalence at baseline (P = 0.44). In multivariable analysis, all factors remained significantly associated with HSV-2 prevalence with the
Infection in vitro, this protein was tested for clinical efficacy in HIV-1-infected individuals; however, no effect on plasma viral loads was observed [13]. Further examination revealed that doses of sCD4 that were significantly higher than those achieved in the clinical trial were required to neutralize primary clinical isolates of HIV-1, in contrast to the relatively sensitive, laboratory-adapte
Ied [31,32]. These compounds, which include the prototypic compound NBD556 and its derivatives, mimic the effects of CD4 by inducing the exposure of the coreceptor-binding site on gp120 [31,33]. Although NBD-556 inhibits HIV-1 infection of CD4+CCR5+ cells, it can replace CD4 and thus enhance HIV-1 infection of CD42CCR5+ cells [31]. In view of their capacity to enhance infectivity, any potential ap
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Onal patents related to measurement of carbamylated albumin and therapy of carbamylation with amino acid scavengers have been filed by A.H.B., S.A.K., R.T., and their affiliated institutions. R.T. has served as a consultant to Fresenius Medical Care. Dr Kalim declares that he has no other relevant financial interests.Kalim et al.PageKeywords Carbamylation uremia posttranslational protein modificat
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