
0 Following 0 Followers
Lications, even after controlling for CD4+ Tcell level, sex, and older age. Chronic inflammation is thought to be associated with CD4+ T-cell depletion and higher levels of immune activation.[21,26] Similarly, HCV coinfection remained significantly associated with a higher prevalence of complications when individual immune activation markers were controlled for. This study found that HCV coinfecte
Lications, even after controlling for CD4+ Tcell level, sex, and older age. Chronic inflammation is thought to be associated with CD4+ T-cell depletion and higher levels of immune activation.[21,26] Similarly, HCV coinfection remained significantly associated with a higher prevalence of complications when individual immune activation markers were controlled for. This study found that HCV coinfecte
Studies evaluatingOns to the statistical methods used in this study.Studies evaluating the efficacy of directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) for the treatment of HIV-infected individuals have yielded mixed results. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials by Ford and colleagues found no evidence overall for DAART benefit [1]. However, both the Ford anal
D a commercial statistical software package to generate random treatment assignments to DAART and SAT in a 1:1 ratio,Directly Administered Therapy for HIVTable 1. Baseline characteristics of HIV-infected participants in a randomized trial comparing directly administered antiretroviral therapy with self-administered therapy in opioid treatment programs, Baltimore, Maryland, 2006?010.CharacteristicS
Erapy, and had received methadone or buprenorphine for 3 weeks at the OTP with no plans to discontinue. We also required verbal approval from participants' HIV providers and confirmation of active insurance coverage for ART. Exclusion criteria included ART dosed more frequently than twice daily, use of liquid medication, and use of a regimen that was predicted to have fewer than 1.5 active drugs
Erapy, and had received methadone or buprenorphine for 3 weeks at the OTP with no plans to discontinue. We also required verbal approval from participants' HIV providers and confirmation of active insurance coverage for ART. Exclusion criteria included ART dosed more frequently than twice daily, use of liquid medication, and use of a regimen that was predicted to have fewer than 1.5 active drugs
Es would most likely not have been affected. The measures of immune activation were not assessed at enrollment into the study cohort, and we therefore cannot make temporal inferences of a causal nature nor could we control for them in the multivariable Cox models. We used prevalence rate ratios (PRRs) to estimate the associations of interest as risk was our parameter of interest. We chose PRRs as
Ine for drug testing. Plasma was stored at a central repository for resistance testing. We monitored adherence with electronic pill bottle monitors (MEMS 6 TrackCap, AARDEX Group, Ltd., Sion, Switzerland) for the first 2 months after subjects started antiretroviral therapy (ART). We selected a single medication for monitoring according to the following hierarchy: dosed most frequently, combination