But she needs to prove beyond reasonable doubt her innocence in contracting HIV. A possibility of escaping accusation is demonstrated by this quote: In very few cases the female is not blamed when the society looks at the person and feels that she is a real Christian and not the type that goes around...but if it is obvious the person got it from sex, the whole familywill dump the person. Nobody wi
Ng the health care system. To achieve these objectives, we draw on information from the general public, HCPs, and PLWHA and we use Connell's theory of gender and power.sis. Coding was done by the first author. To check the reliability of coding, an independent researcher coded a random selection of data. When compared, the coding by the first author and the independent researcher showed only a few
Gh there are an increasing number of studies on HIV-related stigma in Nigeria, very little research has focused on how power differences based on gender perpetuate the stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and how these gender differences affect the care that PLWHA receive in health care institutions. We explore gender-related beliefs and reactions of society, including health care
But she needs to prove beyond reasonable doubt her innocence in contracting HIV. A possibility of escaping accusation is demonstrated by this quote: In very few cases the female is not blamed when the society looks at the person and feels that she is a real Christian and not the type that goes around...but if it is obvious the person got it from sex, the whole familywill dump the person. Nobody wi
But she needs to prove beyond reasonable doubt her innocence in contracting HIV. A possibility of escaping accusation is demonstrated by this quote: In very few cases the female is not blamed when the society looks at the person and feels that she is a real Christian and not the type that goes around...but if it is obvious the person got it from sex, the whole familywill dump the person. Nobody wi
Manifest in differential negative reactions towards PLWHA in society, including in theMbonu et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:334 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/Page 3 ofhealth care system. Therefore it is important to understand the implications of the dominant male gender norms in Nigerian society as they affect women with respect to HIV/AIDS. In this paper, our principal objectives a
Manifest in differential negative reactions towards PLWHA in society, including in theMbonu et al. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:334 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/10/Page 3 ofhealth care system. Therefore it is important to understand the implications of the dominant male gender norms in Nigerian society as they affect women with respect to HIV/AIDS. In this paper, our principal objectives a
Pared to ST, and the proportion of Treg as well as the Th17/Treg ratio was normalized following ART (data not shown). Interestingly, plasma sCD40L levels were correlated with increased Treg frequency (P = 0?1, r = 0?001) (Fig. 2b) and a low Th17/Treg ratio in all HIV-infected patients (P = 0?08, r = ??210) (Fig. 2c). Such a correlation was not observed with Th17 cell frequency (P = 0?7, data not s