Compared with those of standard OD490 versus cell number curves generated for each cell type. The percentage survival was calculated using the formula :Epithelial monolayer integrity the effect of the plant lectins on their ability to maintain an intact epithelium was determined by measuring transepithelial resistance (TER). HEC-1A cells were grown as a tight polarized monolayer on a permeable sup
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
Achment on HEC-1A Considering that both HHA and GNA were non-toxic in the epithelial cell system, we further investigated the inhibition of HIV adsorption on the apical side of HEC-1A by the compounds. Cells were thus incubated with HIV-1Ba-L in the presence or absence of different concentrations of HHA or GNA. As depicted in Figure 2A, HHA faintly decreased the attachment of HIV-1Ba-L on epitheli