64188 - High DR Web Submission Directory - S CDM). Thus 8.1 `tie-breaker' VL tests at immunological/clinical failure would http://64188.org/story.php?title=s-cdm-thus-8-1-tie-breaker-vl-tests-at-immunologicalclinical-failure-would S CDM). Thus 8.1 `tie-breaker' VL tests at immunological/clinical failure would be needed to prevent one switch with suppressed VL. Fewer participants switching for CD4,100 cells/mm3 had VL,400 copies/ml (7 ) than those meeting other CD4 or clinical criteria (p = 0.03). Those with CD4,100 cells/mm3 had a very wide range of VLs (Figure 1(b)), similarly to participants monitored without CD4s. In tho Thu, 09 Mar 2023 04:35:40 UTC en