64188 - High DR Web Submission Directory - In PMC 2017 July 06.Martin et al.Pagepredicting peptide IDs with high http://64188.org/story.php?title=in-pmc-2017-july-06-martin-et-al-pagepredicting-peptide-ids-with-high In PMC 2017 July 06.Martin et al.Pagepredicting peptide IDs with high confidence. Additionally, the small decoy database (11 753 peptides) for mProphet model can increase the likelihood of incorrectly assigning a "true" hit as "false." Therefore, relaxing the FDR cutoff would minimize these potential false negative peptide IDs and increase the power of the experiment. As a result, peak area inform Mon, 26 Dec 2022 07:16:06 UTC en