64188 - High DR Web Submission Directory - Cial control Philadelphia, USA: Temple university press; 1984. 9. Butler J: Gender regulations http://64188.org/story.php?title=cial-control-philadelphia-usa-temple-university-press-1984-9-butler-j-gender-regulations Cial control Philadelphia, USA: Temple university press; 1984. 9. Butler J: Gender regulations in undoing gender. New York: Routledge; 2004. 10. Connell RW: Gender and power, society, the person and sexual politics. UK: Blackwell publishers; 1987. 11. Wingood GM, Diclemente RJ: Application of the theory of gender and power to examine HIV-related exposures, risk factors and effective interventions Thu, 23 Feb 2023 18:07:52 UTC en