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As well. Some participants felt that even if both partners were positive, it was usually only the woman who was blamed by society: If a married couple is HIV-positive, the man is kept aside from blame. It is only the woman that will be blamed. (female, married, nurse). This also reinforces the more negative reaction towards female PLWHA since society believes that the woman must have given it to t
Appropriately in every case.Such issues are further shown on selectedProperly in each case.Such problems
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Bonu et al., Gender-related power differences, beliefs and reactions towards people living with HIV/AIDS: an urban study in Nigeria BMC Public Health 2010, 10:NIH Public AccessAuthor ManuscriptJ Mix Methods Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 October 10.Published in final edited form as: J Mix Methods Res. 2014 January 1; 8(1): 83?06. doi:10.1177/1558689813490835.NIH-PA Author Manu
Fferences. Our participants mentioned that women often depend on their husbands for money. Women's low financial status makes them even more vulnerable than men. In Nigeria, there are many women who depend on men for financial support and this makes women vulnerable to HIV infection. For instance, a participant from thePower differences Based on Gender relations CauseFamily (d)Effect Structural mo
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