Aseline by age group at enrollment, while Figure 1b shows HSV-2 incidence during follow-up by age group at enrollment. HSV-2, herpes simplex virus type 2. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091513.gDiscussionIn this analysis of participants in the iPrEx trial of daily oral FTC/TDF PrEP, we found no association between FTC/TDF and incidence of HSV-2 infection, even after accounting for actual use of FTC/TDF
Pectively, correspond to the type ii or iii microglial states described in the preceding paragraph. Further, the factors which cause polarization to M1 or M2, reinforce the maintenance of that phenotype in a cycle-like manner [8,9] (Figure 1). Increased M1 polarization is consistent with increased TNF-a observed in plasma and brain specimens in HAD and AD, and may play a role in the pathophysiolog
Sed tau (a component of the neurofibrillary tangle, a second AD neuropathological hallmark) have been proposed as sensitive and specific markers of AD in several studies [47,48]. It has also been found that changes in CSF Ab and tau are comparable to those observed in AD and HAD patients [49]. The pathogenic significance of these biomarkers is not well established but it has been hypothesized that
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Ator of nuclear receptors, we explored its prognostic value in relation to estrogen-receptor-a (ESR1) and -b (ESR2) and evaluated its predictive value for response to tamoxifen treatment. Methods: DC-SCRIPT mRNA levels were measured by real-time PCR in 1,505 primary invasive breast cancers and associated with outcome (disease-free survival (DFS), metastasis-free survival (MFS) and overall survival
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