Effect of Tat on transcription of the provirus. In agreement with the results in Figure 4, expression of Tat alone exerted minimal stimulatory effect on the 5'LTR (Figures 7A-7C, Tat). However, in combination with TNF-, Tat expression activated viral transcription greatly (70-80 of GFP-expressing cells) in all three cell lines (Figures 7A-7C, Tat + TNF-). We further investigated the ability of PM
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Iates.Thunderbird Int Bus Rev :.doi:.tie.Cerdin JL, Le PargneuxIates.Thunderbird Int Bus Rev :.doi:.tie.
Rmance just isn't at its highest prospective.Nonetheless, the relationship amongRmance just isn't at its
Mpared GFP expression of parental and J-Lat shER cells using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). As expected, no GFP-expressing cells could be detected in untreated cells (Figures 6C-6F, mock). About 20 of cells turned GFP-positive in TNF--treated J-Lat 9.2 cells (Figure 6C, TNF-). Importantly, the inhibition of PP5 transcription synergized with TNF- to increase further the number of GFP-
Rogen receptor predict response to tamoxifen treatment in patients with recurrent breast cancer: a retrospective study. Clin Cancer Res 2005, 11:7311-7321. 17. Dorssers LC, van Agthoven T, Brinkman A, Veldscholte J, Smid M, Dechering KJ: Breast cancer oestrogen independence mediated by BCAR1 or BCAR3 genes is transmitted through mechanisms distinct from the oestrogen receptor signalling pathway or
Dized tissue dissociation method that makes it possible for for uniform and consistent homogenizationDiz
Ng the health care system. To achieve these objectives, we draw on information from the general public, HCPs, and PLWHA and we use Connell's theory of gender and power.sis. Coding was done by the first author. To check the reliability of coding, an independent researcher coded a random selection of data. When compared, the coding by the first author and the independent researcher showed only a few
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