Me transcription through the provirus, since slight enrichment of elongating RNAPII in the HIV coding region of transcriptionally silent J-Lat 9.2 cells was observed using ChIPqPCR assay. However, transcription originating from the host promoter, ignoring pA sites in both LTRs and consequently splicing out the provirus together with the host intron (Han et al., 2004) is most likely less frequent t
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Lpropane-1,3-diamine. Acknowledgements We especially thank the patients and surgeons, pathologists, and internists for their assistance in collecting tumor tissues and patients' clinical follow-up data. We thank Joan Bolt, Marion Meijer, Mieke Timmermans, Anita Trapman, and Wendy van der Smissen for their excellent technical support. This work was financially supported by VICI grant 918-66-615 (aw
Lpropane-1,3-diamine. Acknowledgements We especially thank the patients and surgeons, pathologists, and internists for their assistance in collecting tumor tissues and patients' clinical follow-up data. We thank Joan Bolt, Marion Meijer, Mieke Timmermans, Anita Trapman, and Wendy van der Smissen for their excellent technical support. This work was financially supported by VICI grant 918-66-615 (aw
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Type-2 diabetics that can enhance prediction provided by established risk models. Our data were consistent with those presented in these studies. Functional tests have also been evaluated to screen asymptomatic diabetics. DIAD (Cardiac Outcomes after Screening for Asymptomatic Coronary Artery Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes) study [14] was a randomised trial that evaluated the impact of i
Ns dormant. In contrast, we demonstrated that TI could be counteracted by specific inhibition of the upstream transcription or by cooperative activation of transcription initiation and elongation from the 5'LTR by the viral and host TFs. In the latter scenario, we envision that RNAPII initiating from the viral promoter competes successfully with the RNAPII that is elongating through the 5'LTR. Bec
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