Id onset of intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in primary human immunodeficiency virus infection is driven by an imbalance between immune response and mucosal repair and regeneration. J Virol 82: 538?45. 30. Palmer S, Wiegand AP, Maldarelli F, Bazmi H, Mican JM, et al. (2003) New real-time reverse transcriptase-initiated PCR assay with single-copy sensitivity for human immunodeficiency viru
Id onset of intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in primary human immunodeficiency virus infection is driven by an imbalance between immune response and mucosal repair and regeneration. J Virol 82: 538?45. 30. Palmer S, Wiegand AP, Maldarelli F, Bazmi H, Mican JM, et al. (2003) New real-time reverse transcriptase-initiated PCR assay with single-copy sensitivity for human immunodeficiency viru
Ignificantly longer lives. While HAART has been increasing the lifespan of those infected with HIV, it has also led to an increased prevalence of HAD [32-38]. As the pathology of HAD, like Alzheimer's Disease (AD), is commonly characterized by an increase in the amount of amyloid-beta (Ab) peptide in the brain [39], evidence suggesting microglia modulate the clearance of potentially neurotoxic Ab
Ignificantly longer lives. While HAART has been increasing the lifespan of those infected with HIV, it has also led to an increased prevalence of HAD [32-38]. As the pathology of HAD, like Alzheimer's Disease (AD), is commonly characterized by an increase in the amount of amyloid-beta (Ab) peptide in the brain [39], evidence suggesting microglia modulate the clearance of potentially neurotoxic Ab
Amyloid plaque deposition [39,42-44]. Indeed, most forms of dementia are accompanied by a widespread degeneration in the cerebral cortex - such as the plaques in AD brain. AD is thus considered a "cortical dementia." HAD is also considered to be a cortical dementia however there is also targeted damage to regions lying under the cortex. Some authors consider HAD to be a subcortical dementia howeve
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Ent tasks The order of presentation in regards to the stimulus variety was randomized however the order of ISIs was ascending order from ISI 118. Participants have been instructed about which variety of animations would be shown to them next, and could ask the experimenter to repeatedly show a stimulus.ProcedureTemporal Order Judgement TaskParticipants judged the temporal order in the ball contac
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