Ferritin nor E. coli MBP contain DXXD motifs. In contrast, GrpE, NusA, and thioredoxin do contain potential cleavage sites, although an analysis of the structures of GrpE [19] and thioredoxin [20] reveal that the DXXD sequences are present in well-defined -helical secondary structures and are likely not accessible to the caspase-3 protease active site. Currently, no structural information is avail
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D if the HSV-2 diagnosis occurred at or after HIV seroconversion, and ulcers were excluded if they occurred at or after HIV seroconversion. We estimated the proportion of participants with 1 ulcer AE classified as Gradeor above (i.e., moderate, severe, or potentially life-threatening), 1 STI examination during which a perianal ulcer was detected, and 1 STI examination during which a groin ulcer
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Diovascular events (CVEV) in T2DP. Methods: Eighty-five consecutive T2DP undergoing CT (Phillips Brilliance, 16-slice) with CS and CTA were prospectively enrolled in a transversal case-control study. Patients were followed for 48 months (range 18 - 68) to assess CVEV: cardiovascular death, acute coronary syndrome, revascularisation and stroke. Potential predictors of CVEV were identified. Predicti
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IcsResultsAssociations of DC-SCRIPT with clinicopathological factors and histological and intrinsic breast cancer subtypesThe relationship between DC-SCRIPT and patient and tumor characteristics was investigated with the use of non-parametric methods (Spearman rank correlations for continuous variables and Wilcoxon rank-sum for dichotomized or Kruskal-Wallis test for ordered variables). To reduce
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