Nt populations [6,7]. Opioid treatment programs (OTPs) provide a potential framework for DAART because patients visit multiple times each week to receive opioid agonist medication. Moreover, maintenance treatment at OTPs permits prolonged DAART, which is difficult in models based on outreach workers. Based on promisingDirectly Administered Therapy for HIVFigure 1. Study screening, enrollment, and
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S) and cells were lysed (1 Triton X-100 for 45 min at 37 ). Cell lysates were harvested and centrifuged at 1,800 rpm for 5 min. The amount of HIV-p24 antigen associated to cell lysates was determined using the HIV-1 p24 core profile ELISA. HIV-1 attachment on MDDC to assess the attachment of HIV-1 to MDDC, the cells were washed 2 times after 6 days of differentiation and seeded into 96-well cultu
Nd multivariable analysis higher DC-SCRIPT levels were associated with a favorable outcome for both the entire cohort and patients with lymph node-negative (LNN) disease that did not receive adjuvant therapy (DFS, MFS and OS; all, P
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Er. Cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 . HIV-1 transcytosis was assessed by detecting the presence of p24 antigen (HIV-1 core profile ELISA) in the basolateral chamber of the transwell. The inhibition of transcytosis was expressed as the percentage of p24 antigen recovered in the basolateral chamber in the presence of each plant lectin by comparison to that recovered without the plant lectins. HIV
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Coproteins [1]. Binding of gp120 to the receptor, CD4, on the target cell surface induces major conformational changes in the envelope glycoproteins [2]. These changes allow gp120 to bind the viral coreceptor, either CXCR4 or CCR5 [3?]. CD4 binding also induces the formation of a gp41 pre-hairpin intermediate, in which three hydrophobic grooves on the surface of a coiled coil formed by the heptad
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