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Ents/the study: MCL MAM KKH TCG SA DCP GT GS JS DMM BFH. Analyzed the data: MAM KKH DJM JDA TCG SA BBH DCP MC GT PAG HXL BFH. Collected data/did experiments for the study: MCL MAM KKH DJM JFW JDA TCG SA BBH NAV SP DCP MC GT GS JE NJS CBH HXL MM GHK BFH. Enrolled patients: MC PAG GS JE CBH MM DMM. Wrote the first draft of the paper: MCL BFH. Contributed to the writing of the paper: MCL MAM BBH NAV
Atinger H, Carpenter CB, et al. (2000) Protection of macaques against vaginal transmission of a pathogenic HIV-1/SIV chimeric virus by passive infusion of neutralizing antibodies. Nat Med 6: 207?10. 24. Bohnhorst J? Bj gan MB, Thoen JE, Natvig JB, Thompson KM (2001) Bm1Bm5 classification of peripheral blood B cells reveals circulating germinal center founder cells in healthy individuals and distur
Atinger H, Carpenter CB, et al. (2000) Protection of macaques against vaginal transmission of a pathogenic HIV-1/SIV chimeric virus by passive infusion of neutralizing antibodies. Nat Med 6: 207?10. 24. Bohnhorst J? Bj gan MB, Thoen JE, Natvig JB, Thompson KM (2001) Bm1Bm5 classification of peripheral blood B cells reveals circulating germinal center founder cells in healthy individuals and distur
Ndings consistent with the new onset of myopericarditis, a standardized, protocol-defined, cardiac evaluation was completed. 2.3. Clinical laboratory evaluations Complete blood counts, blood chemistries and tests to detect myopericarditis were performed in clinical laboratories at each study site. CD4 and CD8 T-cell counts, and the activation states of CD8 T-cells (HLA-DR and CD38 expression), wer
Atinger H, Carpenter CB, et al. (2000) Protection of macaques against vaginal transmission of a pathogenic HIV-1/SIV chimeric virus by passive infusion of neutralizing antibodies. Nat Med 6: 207?10. 24. Bohnhorst J? Bj gan MB, Thoen JE, Natvig JB, Thompson KM (2001) Bm1Bm5 classification of peripheral blood B cells reveals circulating germinal center founder cells in healthy individuals and distur
Id onset of intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in primary human immunodeficiency virus infection is driven by an imbalance between immune response and mucosal repair and regeneration. J Virol 82: 538?45. 30. Palmer S, Wiegand AP, Maldarelli F, Bazmi H, Mican JM, et al. (2003) New real-time reverse transcriptase-initiated PCR assay with single-copy sensitivity for human immunodeficiency viru
Nopathy in the homosexual male. Am J Surg Pathol 9: 287?97. 36. Wood GS (1990) The immunohistology of lymph nodes in HIV infection: a review. Prog AIDS Pathol 2: 25?2. 37. Alter G, Teigen N, Ahern R, Streeck H, Meier A, et al. (2007) Evolution of innate and adaptive effector cell functions during acute HIV-1 infection. J Infect Dis 195: 1452?460. 38. Alter G, Teigen N, Davis BT, Addo MM, Suscovich
Nopathy in the homosexual male. Am J Surg Pathol 9: 287?97. 36. Wood GS (1990) The immunohistology of lymph nodes in HIV infection: a review. Prog AIDS Pathol 2: 25?2. 37. Alter G, Teigen N, Ahern R, Streeck H, Meier A, et al. (2007) Evolution of innate and adaptive effector cell functions during acute HIV-1 infection. J Infect Dis 195: 1452?460. 38. Alter G, Teigen N, Davis BT, Addo MM, Suscovich