Ated for instance biological properties, chemical reactions, metabolic pathways, physical propertiesAted
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Predominantly. b Clubs, bars, hotels, motels, saunas and massage parlors.of gynecological examinations and regular syphilis testing; increase distribution of condoms, especially among the poorest FSW, so that they do not need to buy condoms; focus interventions on areasAdministration of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) to HIV-1-infected individuals results in effective suppressi
N ( ) Homeless, self-described, n ( ) Receiving public assistance or social security disability, n ( ) Employed, n ( ) CES-D short-form scorea, median (IQR) 44 (85) 8 (15) 47 (42?2) 29 (56) 20 (39) 41 (79) 8 (15) 11 (5?6) 44 (80) 11 (20) 47 (41?1) 27 (49) 12 (23) 50 (91) 8 (15) 11 (6?5) 19 (37) 17 (33) 4 (8) 7 (13) 5 (10) 27 (52) 20 (36) 18 (33) 4 (7) 7 (13) 6 (11) 24 (44)Substance abuse relatedDu
D daily for 4 consecutive days to be 60 mg/m2. DLTs were cough, asthenia, anorexia, sensory neuropathy, serum sickness, and hypertensive encephalopathy. The spectrum of adverse effects, the most common of which were pain, fever, and tachycardia, was similar to that previously described with the parent antibody, ch14.18, in children,4,20,21 except that none of our patients had potentially life-thre
Vioral complications [66-69]. Microglia, as a major target of HIV-1 infection in the CNS, are typically a viral reservoir [70-72] and are also key in HIV-1 neuroinvasiveness-penetration into the CNS by the virus [72,73]. Most importantly, a discrepancy between the localization of HIV-infected cells and the severity of neurocognitive symptoms has been described [74-76]. Thus, other mechanisms secon
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Racteristics), the alpha level was corrected utilizing the Sidak equation toRacteristics), the alpha lev
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